Real Estate NFT Explorer
The world's first RWA real estate investment platform

WORLDES is the world's first RWA real estate platform that has in-depth cooperation with the WBM Yuanverse community, leading the exploration of the NFT real estate field (real estate NFT) and opening up the era of global AI real estate investment.
In WORLDES, you can master U.S. house listings, U.S. housing prices and other industry information at one hand, and invest and buy real estate intelligently.

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漫步現實與元宇宙的交匯點,一分鐘,走進WORLDES全自動快速買房!作為擁有美國優質房源(house listing)的首家RWA房產平臺,我們將Real Estate NFT技術實踐於美國房產,打造出獨一無二的 WBM元宇宙王國。RWA 房地產的投資潮流,與美國房價的脈動,成就您的全新投資篇章,讓 WORLDES RWA房地產帶您體驗美國房產的智能之旅!

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WB集團介紹——Building the future of fine living
在 WORLDES RWA房地產,我們致力於構建未來的優質生活方式,引領NFT房產(Real Estate NFT)發展,推動RWAs(real world assets)代幣化,構建元宇宙房地產社區的未來。而在實現這一使命的過程中,我們得到了強大的合作夥伴——致力於為美國仟禧一代提供度身定制的長租別墅社區(Build to Rent)的Wan Bridge的大力支持。
Wan Bridge不僅是一家美國房產領域的先鋒企業,更是我們在構築RWA房地產項目時的重要合作夥伴。通過融合區塊鏈技術的創新理念,其WBM元宇宙(Wan Bridge Metaverse)在傳統房產與新興元宇宙間開辟了嶄新路徑。這一創新使我們得以將RWAs與元宇宙的先進技術相結合,推動Real Estate NFT的探索,構築了一個引領未來的新型房地產投資體驗。
Wan Bridge產品優勢
Wan Bridge(簡稱WB)是WORLDES RWA房地產平臺的孵化者,將實體房地產融合入WBM(Wan Bridge Metaverse),引領發展Real Estate NFT,為投資者和租戶帶來卓越的價值。
○ WB全產業鏈優勢平臺
Wan Bridge以互聯網為基礎,構建了一個WB全產業鏈優勢平臺,涵蓋了從房產規劃設計、設備採購、施工建造、長租租賃到日常維護的完整流程。該平臺實現了標准化和一體化,為投資者提供了高效、可靠的房地產投資體驗。
○ 租戶的首選
作為房地產行業龍頭,WB的項目致力於滿足租戶的多樣需求。通過區塊鏈技術和新興NFT房產概念,WB為租戶們打造理想的居住環境,將RWAs(Real World Assets)數字化,使得租戶可以在WBM元宇宙中完成房產租賃。租戶可以方便地瀏覽房源(House Listing)、選擇適合自己的房產,從而實現理想居住的夢想。
○ 項目的完善配套
WB致力於為租戶創造無與倫比的居住體驗。不僅優質house listing遍佈廣泛,項目配套設施的完善,涵蓋工作、生活、玩樂、教育等。在WB社區,租戶不僅僅享有高品質的住房,還可以享受到周邊環境的便利。租戶對於居住體驗的需求,都被WB充分考慮和滿足,成為當之無愧的租戶首選。
Wan Bridge在房地產領域有著令人矚目的20+房產別墅專案,以及各式各樣的美國房源(house listing),這些項目充分展示了WB建設Wan Bridge Metaverse (WBM)領域的深厚實力。每個WB項目都是卓越的典範,展現了精湛的設計、優質的施工和無與倫比的租賃管理,同時也是未來NFT房產(Real Estate NFT)的發展先例。
Wan Bridge達到了20億美金的長期戰略投資規模。這錶明了WB在房地產領域的雄厚實力,併將為WORLDES RWA房地產的發展以及探索Real Estate NFT打下夯實穩固的基礎。
Wan Bridge的資產規模達到了11億美金,成為WORLDES RWA房地產的強大支持。WB通過合理的投資策略和卓越的資產管理,為投資者提供穩定的回報,同時將創新的Real Estate NFT和RWA房地產的理念融入資產運營。
WB的租金派發收益已達到3.4億人民幣,這不僅是投資者資金的回報,更是WB在Build to Rent市場中實現了出色業績的證明。租金派發收益的高效運作體現了WB的專業管理和出色的市場洞察力
Wan Bridge引以為傲的房屋出租率達到96.6%,展現了WB在房地產市場中的強大吸引力和管理能力。這也意味著WB的項目備受租戶歡迎,同時彰顯其進軍Real Estate NFT領域的強大實力。
Wan Bridge擁有15000+套土地儲備,大量的房源(House Listing)為未來的Real Estate NFT項目發展提供了堅實的基礎。這個龐大的土地儲備為Wan Bridge Metaverse(WBM)持續的創新和擴張提供了充足的資源支持。
Wan Bridge:創新卓越的發展歴程
在Wan Bridge(WB)進軍Real Estate NFT領域、投資孵化WORLDES RWA房地產之前,就已經在美國房地產行業有所建樹。
WB基金管理及物業管理公司在於2013年在達拉斯成立,專註於長租別墅(build to rent),先後收購50套和250套別墅,為業務打下基礎。隨後,2014年在達拉斯市場完成250套長租別墅的收購,擴大了資產規模。在2015-2016年,對200套二手別墅進行翻新,設立WB地產開發公司,推進達拉斯佈魯克林專案,管理規模達到650套。
WB進軍休斯頓市場,超過1,000套別墅的管理規模,設立北京辦公室,拓展中國市場。在休斯頓,鏡湖、海湖和橡樹莊園專案開工建設。2019年,WB購買812套獨棟別墅項目,推出休斯頓Villas專案,繼續擴展土地儲備。在2020年,WB實現了500套定制型Build To Rent長租別墅的裏程碑,推進丹頓大學城學生公寓和海灣新城專案建設,不斷擴展市場份額。2021年,購買奧斯汀和達拉斯的別墅地塊,進軍聖安東尼奧市場,吸引機構投資,持續增長管理規模。
WB資產管理規模達到11億美元,租金收益達3.4億人民幣,同時獲得1.52億美元的銀行授信,地塊儲備數量超過15000塊,標誌著WB在土地投資領域的強勁實力。多個專案項目進入招租階段,展現出WB不斷推進項目進程的決心。此外,WB自主開發的企業資訊管理平臺WBS和地產元宇宙平臺Wan Bridge Metaverse(WBM)的上線,標誌其邁嚮Real Estate NFT的第一步。
○ WB獲得眾多知名媒體報道及獎項
作為WORLDES RWA房地產的合作夥伴,在開創WBM(Wan Bridge Metaverse)併踏入Real Estate NFT(NFT房產)領域之前,Wan Bridge(WB)就有著引人矚目的成就。WB榮獲多家知名媒體的報道,其中包括休斯頓商業期刊、休斯頓紀事報、達拉斯晨報、加爾維斯頓每日新聞等。WB長租別墅(Build to Rent)社區項目如“海湖”、“奧斯汀Georgetown”、“佈魯克林”和“白金沙灘”等也受到當地媒體的廣泛關註。
○ WB獲得知名標普500機構20億美元戰略投資
此外,WB成功獲得了知名的標普500機構的20億美元戰略投資,進一步彰顯其實力和信譽。WB的A級單戶住宅社區空置率低於2%,在大量資本湧入長租單戶住宅市場的背景下,WB憑借穩定的投資錶現上榜長租型別墅(Build to Rent)投資榜單。WB的實力和聲譽在不斷增強,併將在之後的Real Estate NFT和AI房地產的發展中繼續發揮其創新獨特的價值。
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Real Estate NFT

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global real estate

Online transactions accepted、Visualized property management、
AI-intergrated real estate、Crypto payment supported
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Online Property Trading

House order creation, online confirmation, contract explaining, online signature & payment, payment processing, property rights transfer, house inspections.

Visualized Property Management

Achieved visualized property management in WBM community, self-service for property status, property income, online tax filling, data & files encryption.

AI-integrated Real Estate

WORLDES is the world's first real estate investment platform linked to OpenAI - ChatGPT. We have trained AI customer service, AI investment consultants, and AI smart housekeepers to fully realize AI technology services for real estate investment

Crypto Payment Supported

We current accept USDT, ETC & BTC for payment settlement. More cryptocurrencies will be supported in the future.

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Why crypto for real estate?

High efficiency
Investing in real estate on the WORLDES RWA real estate platform, you will experience higher efficiency. By realizing real estate transactions online, you can easily lock house listings, online subscriptions, contract explanations, and online e-commerce Make full use of the advantages of Real Estate NFT during signing, payment and other steps to save valuable time and energy.
Private and secure
We focus on your security and privacy, so on the WORLDES platform, you will enjoy a more secure and private investment environment. We adopt strict data encryption measures to protect your personal and investment information and ensure your assets Safety is guaranteed and reflects the true value of RWA real estate.
Easy and convenient
Investing in real estate has never been as simple and convenient as on the WORLDES RWA real estate platform. By supporting the WBM metaverse community and based on Real Estate NFT (NFT real estate) technology, we have realized the visualization of asset management, allowing you to control it at any time Check the status of your house, check your income status by yourself, and even file your taxes online. Everything is under control, bringing you more convenience.
Lower cost
We know that fees and costs are crucial to real estate investors, so on the WORLDES RWA real estate platform, you will benefit from lower fees and costs. We have optimized the transaction process and reduced the costs of intermediate links, allowing You get a greater return on investment and take full advantage of RWAs (Real Estate Assets) and AI technology.
More flexible
On the WORLDES RWA real estate platform, you will have more investment flexibility. Whether you are investing for the long term or short term, we provide a variety of property options to meet the needs of different investment strategies, allowing you to Make more informed investment decisions based on actual conditions, giving full play to the value of Real Estate NFT.
Future trends
Investment is a plan for the future, and the WORLDES RWA real estate platform is your future choice. We continue to introduce innovative technologies and integrate AI intelligent technology into the investment process, leading the new real estate investment of Real Estate NFT situation, providing you with more forward-looking investment services, making your investment more valuable in the future. Not only that, investment real estate will also become your stable asset, adding more security to your future.
About Us
Real Estate NFT
Frequently Asked Questions
Why does Texas have 0 state income tax?
In the US, everybody pays federal income tax. Additionally, many states have a state income tax, but the rates vary. Texas is one of the nine states that currently have 0 personal income tax.
Does WB have a warranty on the sold house?
As a developer, WB do provide one-year, two-year and ten-year warranties for our sold houses, these are stated in the purchase agreement.<br/> The one-year warranty includes construction quality and building materials, such as concrete, doors and windows, exterior wall and roof materials, air conditioning and electrical systems, etc. <br/> The two-year warranty includes water and drainage pipes, ventilation pipes, circuit pipes, etc.<br/> The ten-year warranty covers foundation, floor, exterior wall and roof systems, etc.
What are the fees for purchase a property?
Taking a $397,000 house for example, the one-off fee for title company is: $4004</br> <br/> including:<br/> 1) Escrow: $325 <br/> 2) Insurance fee: $2519<br/> 3) HOA Resale: $685<br/> 4) Third party survey: $475<br/> The transfer fee of each property is subject to the charge description of the title company.
What services does WB provide in Community Management?
WB property management team provides our tenants with:<br/> 1) Front &rear yards lawn maintenance per week;<br/> 2) A/C filter replacement every quarter;<br/> 3) Lighting, water and electricity maintenance;<br/> 4) House maintenance;<br/> 5) Pest control;<br/> 6) Regular door-to-door garbage collection;<br/> 7) 24/7 property service;<br/> 8) Regular property inspections and property status registration;<br/> 9) Tenant social activities;<br/> 10) Community festival activities;
What are the after-sales services?
The top ten services of the customer service center are: <br/> 1) Contract interpretation and signing assistance<br/> 2) Overseas bank account opening<br/> 3) Loan consulting<br/> 4) Systematically property management inquiry<br/> 5) Construction progress report<br/> 6) Property right transfer handling<br/> 7) US Tax Identification Number application<br/> 8) Rental income delivery<br/> 9) Consultation and answering questions<br/> 10) On-site inspection